SQL Training for YOUR BI / Data Team

Who do I help?

Managers and heads of BI teams, data teams, reporting or analytics teams, where there are team members who remain unskilled in SQL

How do I help?

My SQL training program for your team, which includes group coaching and support (details below)

Why do you need me?

So your organisation can supply data, reporting and analytics of the highest standard to your organisation.

How does it work?

Here's a bit of an explanation...

Clear, well-delivered and structured instructional videos for each topic.

Each video lesson contains an introduction to the topic, a clear explanation and 2-3 good examples, followed by a challenge.

Your team can pause the video, attempt the challenge and then un-pause and see me walk through my solution.

Weekly group calls with your tutor (me)

One the same day and at the same time each week.

Here your team can informally discuss the previous week's challenges, ask questions and request further explanations.

I'll then set the expectations for the following week, usually to complete the next two lessons.

Realistic timescales

It's ideally a 15-20 week program, not withstanding holidays, and weeks when some can't make it.

There's that flexibility to postpone weeks or add additional sessions until everyone has finished.

By the end, there won't be an area of SQL that your team aren't totally comfortable with!

Here's a brief "explainer" video to introduce the SQL Superhero Program for businesses.

Book a call and let's chat about how this could work for your organisation.

What are my clients saying about me?

I have some five star reviews on Trustpilot

Why should you get in touch?

SIX great reasons right here...

  1. A complete SQL training program with no prior knowledge required

  2. Supported and mentored with weekly group calls on Teams or Zoom

  3. Can be implemented for any number of delegates

  4. By the end of the program, your team will have the highest level of SQL knowledge

  5. There's a big emphasis on problem-solving as a core skill

  6. There's a focus on accountability to encourage engagement and progression

What's the next step?

Book a call to arrange an informal chat with me about your team, their requirements, and to see if this is the right option for you.

A bit about me

Just so you know who you're speaking to...

I'm Nick Holt and I've been using SQL for over twenty years as a BI developer, database developer, MI specialist and I've built countless data warehouses.

I've been teaching SQL to junior developers for around fifteen years.

I have created this training program because

I'd like to teach the world to code... in perfect SQL!

I live in Bury, Lancashire with my wife, five kids, a dog and three cats. Oh, and for my sins I'm a Bury FC supporter. Yes I know...

Copyright The BI School 2024

Email me on [email protected]